I guess one china able to form with the initiation of communist china party form in Taiwan and Taiwan's political parties form and other new parties initially in HongKong, Macau, Fujian, GuangDong and later in Beijing, Shanghai and eventually other cities and states.
Saturday, July 18, 2015
Sunday, April 12, 2015
Saturday, April 11, 2015
Sunday, April 5, 2015
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
台灣: 蔡英文
Sunday, March 8, 2015
Saturday, March 7, 2015
主料:河虾仁 辅料:龙井、鸡蛋调料:盐、味精、淀粉烹制方法: 1、将河虾仁用清水浸泡半小时左右,取出控水后加盐、味精、蛋清、干淀粉搅拌均匀,再 加入泡好的龙井茶水和入少许食用油拌匀备用; 2、坐锅点火倒油,待油烧至三成热时放入虾仁滑炒变色即可捞出,锅中留底油,加少许茶 叶水、盐、味精,放入虾仁,勾芡翻炒均匀,装盘后撒上茶叶装饰即可。特点:茶香浓郁, 鲜嫩爽滑。
主料:河虾仁 辅料:龙井、鸡蛋调料:盐、味精、淀粉烹制方法: 1、将河虾仁用清水浸泡半小时左右,取出控水后加盐、味精、蛋清、干淀粉搅拌均匀,再
Monday, February 16, 2015
Hangzhou, Zhejiang
Hangzhou (杭州) is a sub-provincial city located in the Yangtze River Delta in the People's Republic of China, and the capital of Zhejiang province. Located 180 kilometres (112 mi) southwest of Shanghai, as of 2004 the entire Hangzhou Region ("shì", 杭州市) or Prefecture-level city had a registered population of 6.4 million people. The urban agglomeration of the Hangzhou metropolitan area (杭州市区) has a resident population of 3,931,900 as of 2003, of which 2,636,700 are permanent residents. There are 1,910,000 residents in the six urban core districts.
As one of the most renowned and prosperous cities of China for much of the last 1,000 years, Hangzhou is also well-known for its beautiful natural scenery, with the West Lake (Xī Hú, 西湖) as the most well-known location.
Hangzhou Region or prefecture-level city contains the Hangzhou metropolitan area (eight districts), 3 metropolitan counties, and 2 ordinary counties. The central six urban districts occupy 682 km² (263.4 mi²) and have 1,910,000 people. The two suburban districts occupy 2,642 km² (1020 mi²) and have 1,950,000 people.
It has direct jurisdiction over 8 districts (区 qu), 3 county-level cities (市 shi) and 2 Counties (县 xian):
Hangzhou City Proper
■ Gongshu-qu 拱墅区
■ Xiacheng-qu 下城区
■ Shangcheng-qu 上城区
■ Jianggan-qu 江干区
■ Xihu-qu 西湖区
■ Binjiang-qu 滨江区
Hangzhou Suburban and Rural
■ Yuhang-qu 余杭区
■ Xiaoshan-qu 萧山区
■ Lin'an-shi 临安市
■ Fuyang-shi 富阳市
■ Jiande-shi 建德市
■ Tonglu-xian 桐庐县
■ Chun'an-xian 淳安县
杭州位于中国东南沿海北部,是浙江省省会,副省级城市,也是长三角第二大经济城市,南 翼经济、金融、物流、文化中心。浙江省政治、经济、文化中心,中国东南重要交通枢钮。
中文名称: 杭州
外文名称: Hangzhou
别名: 杭
行政区类别: 副省级城市
所属地区: 中国浙江
下辖地区: 8城区、3个县级市、2个县
政府驻地: 杭州市政府位于环城北路318号
电话区号: 0571
邮政区码: 310000
方言: 吴语
机场: 杭州萧山国际机场、杭州笕桥机场
火车站: 火车城站、火车东站、火车南站
车牌代码: 浙A
海拔: 平原海拔高度在20~60米
经济: 全市实现生产总值5098.66亿元
市树: 香樟
市花: 桂花
市歌: 梦想天堂
杭州是浙江省省会,长江三角洲南翼中心城市,浙江省政治、经济、文化、科教中心。也是 中国最著名的风景旅游城市之一,上有天堂、下有苏杭,表达了古往今来的人们对于这座美 丽城市的由衷赞美。元朝时曾被意大利著名旅行家马可·波罗赞为 世界上最美丽华贵之城。
Hangzhou (杭州) is a sub-provincial city located in the Yangtze River Delta in the People's Republic of China, and the capital of Zhejiang province. Located 180 kilometres (112 mi) southwest of Shanghai, as of 2004 the entire Hangzhou Region ("shì", 杭州市) or Prefecture-level city had a registered population of 6.4 million people. The urban agglomeration of the Hangzhou metropolitan area (杭州市区) has a resident population of 3,931,900 as of 2003, of which 2,636,700 are permanent residents. There are 1,910,000 residents in the six urban core districts.
As one of the most renowned and prosperous cities of China for much of the last 1,000 years, Hangzhou is also well-known for its beautiful natural scenery, with the West Lake (Xī Hú, 西湖) as the most well-known location.
Hangzhou Region or prefecture-level city contains the Hangzhou metropolitan area (eight districts), 3 metropolitan counties, and 2 ordinary counties. The central six urban districts occupy 682 km² (263.4 mi²) and have 1,910,000 people. The two suburban districts occupy 2,642 km² (1020 mi²) and have 1,950,000 people.
It has direct jurisdiction over 8 districts (区 qu), 3 county-level cities (市 shi) and 2 Counties (县 xian):
Hangzhou City Proper
■ Gongshu-qu 拱墅区
■ Xiacheng-qu 下城区
■ Shangcheng-qu 上城区
■ Jianggan-qu 江干区
■ Xihu-qu 西湖区
■ Binjiang-qu 滨江区
Hangzhou Suburban and Rural
■ Yuhang-qu 余杭区
■ Xiaoshan-qu 萧山区
■ Lin'an-shi 临安市
■ Fuyang-shi 富阳市
■ Jiande-shi 建德市
■ Tonglu-xian 桐庐县
■ Chun'an-xian 淳安县
中文名称: 杭州
外文名称: Hangzhou
别名: 杭
行政区类别: 副省级城市
所属地区: 中国浙江
下辖地区: 8城区、3个县级市、2个县
政府驻地: 杭州市政府位于环城北路318号
电话区号: 0571
邮政区码: 310000
方言: 吴语
机场: 杭州萧山国际机场、杭州笕桥机场
火车站: 火车城站、火车东站、火车南站
车牌代码: 浙A
海拔: 平原海拔高度在20~60米
经济: 全市实现生产总值5098.66亿元
市树: 香樟
市花: 桂花
市歌: 梦想天堂
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